
在调试ReactRouter相关代码的时候,被f12调试工具下的各种React Router Future Flag Warning信息,搞得心烦意乱。这些React Router Future Flag Warning,目前并不是苏南大叔所关注的内容。所以,需要禁用掉这些提示信息。那么,如何过滤掉这些干扰信息呢?

苏南大叔:React路由,如何禁用Future Flag警告?console函数劫持 - react禁用futureflag
React路由,如何禁用Future Flag警告?console函数劫持(图2-1)


Future Flag Warning


React Router Future Flag Warning: React Router will begin wrapping state updates in `React.startTransition` in v7. You can use the `v7_startTransition` future flag to opt-in early. For more information, see https://reactrouter.com/v6/upgrading/future#v7_starttransition.
React Router Future Flag Warning: Relative route resolution within Splat routes is changing in v7. You can use the `v7_relativeSplatPath` future flag to opt-in early. For more information, see https://reactrouter.com/v6/upgrading/future#v7_relativesplatpath.
React Router Future Flag Warning: The persistence behavior of fetchers is changing in v7. You can use the `v7_fetcherPersist` future flag to opt-in early. For more information, see https://reactrouter.com/v6/upgrading/future#v7_fetcherpersist.
React Router Future Flag Warning: Casing of `formMethod` fields is being normalized to uppercase in v7. You can use the `v7_normalizeFormMethod` future flag to opt-in early. For more information, see https://reactrouter.com/v6/upgrading/future#v7_normalizeformmethod.
React Router Future Flag Warning: `RouterProvider` hydration behavior is changing in v7. You can use the `v7_partialHydration` future flag to opt-in early. For more information, see https://reactrouter.com/v6/upgrading/future#v7_partialhydration.
React Router Future Flag Warning: The revalidation behavior after 4xx/5xx `action` responses is changing in v7. You can use the `v7_skipActionErrorRevalidation` future flag to opt-in early. For more information, see https://reactrouter.com/v6/upgrading/future#v7_skipactionerrorrevalidation.

苏南大叔:React路由,如何禁用Future Flag警告?console函数劫持 - future-flag-warning
React路由,如何禁用Future Flag警告?console函数劫持(图2-2)

有个共同的特点,就是都属于“React Router Future Flag Warning”。

禁用Future Flag

在官方网站上一顿翻找,没有看到哪里可以关掉这些React Router Future Flag Warning提示信息。如果您知道,欢迎留言。


const console_warn = console.warn;
console.warn = function (...args) {
  const message = args.join(" ");
  if (typeof message === "string" && message.includes("React Router Future Flag Warning")) {
  console_warn.apply(console, args);
  // console_warn.apply(console, arguments);  //这个写法也可以

把这些劫持代码放到合适的位置,比如index.js文件里面,即可生效,瞬间清爽。如果需要劫持其它的警告信息,可以继续修改这个代码的逻辑,还有很大的修改空间。目前这个代码,就仅仅过滤“React Router Future Flag Warning”,其它的警告信息会继续显示的。






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